How to Build a Shelter in Survival Area?

A shelter is an important survival tool in the wilderness. It can protect you from the weather elements as well as some wildlife. Making a tent can be quite simple. However, avoid the following mistakes while building one.
• Never build a shelter on damp ground, ever.
• Never build a shelter on highlands or top of hills. The wind can get cold at night and with no trees to resist; you run the risk of your shelter blown away by the gusts.
• Similarly, avoid making a shelter in the bottom of a narrow valley. Cold wind collects there are you will have a tough time during the night.

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There are some different designs of a shelter that you can build from the materials readily available in the wild. Here are some designs you can try.

The Cocoon

It is exactly what it sounds like! If it is dark already and you don’t have time to look for an alternative, find a bunch of leaves and twigs and make a mound of sorts. It should be about 2 feet high and as long as your height. Once the pile is assembled, you can crawl under it. It is a natural sleeping bag that will keep you warm.

The ‘A’-frame

If you can find some sticks, you can make this sturdy shelter in no time. Find two sticks about 5 feet long and one about 10 feet long. Prop the shorter sticks so that you create an ‘A’ shape. Now prop the longer stick on top of the ‘A’ shape that you made and tie the three sticks together.
You will already see a tent shape. You can reinforce this tent skeleton by propping some more sticks to support the longer stick. Now, cover the tent with branches of trees and leaves to make a comfortable shelter.
Your Bed
One of the most important tip to making a shelter is making a bed. Never sleep on the bare floor of the woods. You can make a bed of dry leaves by arranging them inside your shelter. The bed will prevent the heat from your body seeping into the cold forest ground.

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8: Stay Warm in the Woods

Staying warm in a cold or freezing wilderness can be a tough challenge. However, there are tips that you can use to make it easier. If you find yourself in a situation where the cold is getting the better of you, remember the following tips.
• Layering always works: The best way to combat cold is not to allow it to escape from your body. Make sure that you are wearing as many layers as you can.
• Empty your bladder to stay warm: Now, it may sound crazy, but it is true. When your body stores urine, it needs extra heat to keep that liquid warm. If you empty your bladder, that energy can be used to keep your other body parts warm.
• Get cozy with your partner: If you are with someone in the wild, cuddling up while sleeping can be helpful.
• Cover your head: Most amount of body heat is lost through your head. Make sure that you insulate your head properly. Wear a hat or something.

paracord bracelet with compass and firestarter

9: Learn to Make a Water Filter
Although there may be water all around you in the wilderness, drinking water from a stagnant puddle or a lake is not advisable. Drinking from a flowing stream is always better than drinking from a stagnant pool of water. However, there can be a situation where you may not have any option. In that case, you can construct a portable water filter. Here is how you do it.
• Find an empty bottle or a container: Any empty container will do. If you can’t find one, you can always make one using birch barks.
• Poke small holes in the bottom of the container: Make small holes with a pencil or a stick.
• Now fill the bottle up to an inch or two with following material: Coarse gravel, coarse sand, charcoal and fine sand. You can get the charcoal from your fire that you made in step 2. Just collect the charcoal and crush it up into a fine power.
• Add water to the top layer of fine sand. As water percolates through the fine sand, then through the charcoal, the coarse sand, and the gravel, it will get filtered. Collect the water coming out through the openings you created.

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10: Collect Water

There is a good possibility that you may not find any water in the wilderness, especially if you are stuck in the drier places. There are quite a few valuable survival tips and techniques in the wilderness, but I suppose this is one of the trickiest one. There are a couple of ways to collect water in the wilderness. One of the simplest ways involves trapping transpired water by the trees.
Trees always lose water to the atmosphere by a process called transpiration. You can trap this water efficiently. Just follow the steps below.
• Look for a thick green tree with a lot of branches.
• Early in the morning, tie a plastic bag over a branch that has a bunch of leaves. You tie it so that the leaves are completely covered with the plastic bag.
• You can also weigh down the plastic bag by adding a small rock in the bag. This creates a low point in the bag for water to collect.

As the day will progress, the water escaping from the leaves will be caught by the plastic bag and will condense to liquid form. You can collect this water after sunset. The collected water is pure, and there is no need to filter it at all.

11: Stay Cool in a Desert or an Arid Land

If you are trapped in a desert or dry wilderness, it is critical that you keep your body cool. Although finding shade can be difficult, you can create a makeshift cooling hat using just two things: a rag and your urine.
Take a piece of clothing that you can wrap around your head and soak it in your urine. Wrap this damp cloth around your head to stay cool. It may sound a bit gross, but trust me, it will be much comfortable with the pee-rag on your head!

12: Learn to Treat Animal Bites

If you are stuck in the wilderness, you are on the turf of the wild animals. There is a real possibility that an animal may bite you! In such cases, it is important to know the best way to tackle this situation.
The first step is to tie a ligature around the limb, above the bite to restrict the blood from flowing from the wound into the other parts of your body. Once this is done, the next step is to wash the wound as thoroughly as possible. If you have soap, use soap water to clean the wound.


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