Essential Wilderness Survival Skills

This is where your knowledge of wilderness survival skills becomes essential. If you end up losing your knife, map, compass and fire making tools your challenges may have greatly increased! With some wilderness survival training you could learn how to make a primitive knife, travel using aidless navigation, and make friction fire using wild harvested materials. Then you can manage just fine without the store-bought gear.

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Even someone with all the necessary tools for survival can still get into dangerous situations through their lack of knowledge and experience in the outdoors. Practice using all of your essentials under a variety of conditions. Start with the setting most comfortable to you, and practice in increasingly more challenging conditions.

Survival situations demand that you be flexible, adaptable and skilled with utilizing what you have. Resourcefulness is a key to survival, and an attitude of being open to possibilities can be very helpful as well.

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Know Your Priorities

I talked with survival teacher and founder of onPoint Tactical Kevin Reeve for help coming up with a list of priorities for survival in case of a disaster. This is what he suggests:

    Immediate security: If the building is on fire, get out. If someone is shooting at you, move to cover. Whatever the immediate danger, get away from it.
    First aid: Attend to any medical problems that may have happened in the original event. Check yourself for injuries and treat them.
    Self protection: If you are at risk from predators, two-legged or four-legged, you must arm yourself. This might be a sharpened stick, a knife, machete, shotgun, or banjo. Just have something to attack the zombies with.
    Physical needs (in order): Shelter, fire, water, food, and hygiene.

It's also worth noting that nearly every survivalist, doctor, paramedic, and teacher recommends one key survival tool everyone should follow: positivity. It seems silly, but it can provide you with the mental endurance to stay safe in any number of situations. A recent study in Psychological Science also suggests that your own perception of illness and the potential for treatment has an effect on the outcome. In short, the idea of mind over matter can help you survive.

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Let's look at each of these in a little more detail, starting with your first priority after making sure you're not it in immediate danger: first aid.

Learn to Perform Basic First Aid Techniques, Kit or No Kit

Basic first aid is a good life skill to have in general, but it's an essential survival skill to have in case of an emergency. Knowing how to fix three common injuries will usually get you by. Performing these on yourself will probably cause some tears, but at least you will be able to move to safety. I talked with firefighter and trained paramedic Philip Carlson to find the best solutions if you're stranded without a proper first aid kit.


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