Follow These 4 Surviving Tips in the Wilderness

Most of us have either never been in the wild or been there with all the gadgets to help us out. What if you find yourself in the wilderness with no one and no gadgets? Well, there are ways to survive and get out to safety in this situation. In this section, I will be talking about the means to survive if you are stranded in the middle of woods. If you follow these simple tips and tricks, you can come out of this situation in one piece!

SHTF Tactical Loadout

1: Stay Calm!

Finding yourself in a survival situation can be extremely unsettling. I mean it's not like you practice getting in such cases every day, right? Most people can get very nervous and panic in situations like these. This outdoor survival skill can alone save your life in many situations.

Don't get me wrong; it is entirely understandable! However, if you want to get out of the situation, you must rely on sound judgment. If you are agitated, overly anxious or panicking, your brain will not think properly.

The first thing that you must tell yourself is to take a deep breath and try to control your anxiety and panic. In all likelihood, you are in a much less dangerous situation that you may believe at the moment. If you keep a cool head, you will soon start seeing ways to get out of the bind.
Getting out of a tricky situation requires a sound and a rational approach. If you are not thinking right, you will not be able to put any of the following tips to use. So, the first thing is to get a grip on your emotions and get start devising a plan.

Navy Seal Survival Kit

2: Set Your Priorities Right

The key to a successful survival is getting your priorities in order when you are stranded. You have a lot on your plate, and if you don't prioritize, you will have huge problems.

Despite what you may think at that time, food is not your priority at all. As we just saw in the rule of threes, lack of food won't kill you for three days! Your priority is staying warm if it is cold outside.
Try to stay as dry as possible. Wet skin loses three times more heat than dry skin. If your pants get wet, make sure that you get rid of them and try to dry them.

PRO TIPS: If you are in a warm, dry weather, water is your top priority. Make sure that you get access to water first before you do anything else.

Assuming that you are lost, another important priority will be signaling. We have covered how to make a smoke signal in great detail in the following sections.

Paracord bracelet with compass and firestarter

3: Starting a Fire

Fire is the one thing that we almost take for granted. It is there when we need it just light a match or press a button on your lighter and poof! The fire is there. Things are not that simple in the wild. You may not have any of these gadgets, or they won't work. You should be able to improvise and start a fire.

Now, there are three things needed to start a fire: fuel, oxygen and a spark. You have two of these in abundance in the wild. There is the almost unlimited amount of fuel in the form of twigs, branches, and dry leaves and there is oxygen all around. What you are missing is the spark or heat. So, let's see what you can do to make that spark or heat happen.

Flint and Steel

Flint and steel are probably the oldest tricks to start a fire. All you need to do is strike the flint against the steel to make a spark. You can buy portable steel, and Flint sets cheap these days. You should probably invest in one of those; they cost less than your morning cup of coffee! And coffee isn't going to save your life!

Improvised magnifying glass

What if you don’t happen to carry flint and steel set with you? Well, you can use the power of the sun to start a fire. All you need to do is put some water in a clear plastic bag and tie it like a balloon, as spherical as possible. When you hold this bag against the sun, you will see the familiar converging of the sun rays on the ground.

If you keep focusing the bright light onto some dry kindle, you will soon start a fire. The focal length of your improvised device is smaller than a magnifying glass so, you will have to hold this improvised device about 1-2 inches from the kindling.

emp survival list

4: Making a Smoke Signal

Assuming that you have already begun a fire successfully, the next step is to let the potential rescuers know your position. If the woods are thick, it can become impossible to see through the canopy even if the search party is looking for you from a helicopter. To let them know where you are, you need some signal.

A smoke signal was one of the oldest ways to communicate long before the age of cell phones. You can use this method to attract attention to yourself. Creating a smoke signal is easy. All you need to do is burn something that will create a thick smoke, and the smoke will do the rest for you.

Here are the steps that you can follow to make a smoke signal.

Find a good location
First things first, find a suitable place for your smoke signal. A high land with less vegetation is ideal. Look for a piece of land that rescuers can see from above.

Light a fire

Light a fire as in tip#1 and add some firewood to it. Let the fire burn completely, wait till it burns down to embers.
Make smoke
Gather any leafy green vegetation that you can find and throw it on the embers. Cover them completely. It will create a lot of smoke depending on the greens that you chose.


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