
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to Build a Shelter in Survival Area?

A shelter is an important survival tool in the wilderness. It can protect you from the weather elements as well as some wildlife. Making a tent can be quite simple. However, avoid the following mistakes while building one. • Never build a shelter on damp ground, ever. • Never build a shelter on highlands or top of hills. The wind can get cold at night and with no trees to resist; you run the risk of your shelter blown away by the gusts. • Similarly, avoid making a shelter in the bottom of a narrow valley. Cold wind collects there are you will have a tough time during the night. SHTF Tactical Loadout There are some different designs of a shelter that you can build from the materials readily available in the wild. Here are some designs you can try. The Cocoon It is exactly what it sounds like! If it is dark already and you don’t have time to look for an alternative, find a bunch of leaves an...

Follow These 4 Surviving Tips in the Wilderness

Most of us have either never been in the wild or been there with all the gadgets to help us out. What if you find yourself in the wilderness with no one and no gadgets? Well, there are ways to survive and get out to safety in this situation. In this section, I will be talking about the means to survive if you are stranded in the middle of woods. If you follow these simple tips and tricks, you can come out of this situation in one piece! SHTF Tactical Loadout 1: Stay Calm! Finding yourself in a survival situation can be extremely unsettling. I mean it's not like you practice getting in such cases every day, right? Most people can get very nervous and panic in situations like these. This outdoor survival skill can alone save your life in many situations. Don't get me wrong; it is entirely understandable! However, if you want to get out of the situation, you must rely on sound judgment. If you...