
Showing posts from July, 2017

How to store fuel for survival?

Step one: Store your fuel correctly in the proper container (and never mix fuels).     Choose the proper color: Did you know gasoline containers     are red, kerosene containers are blue, diesel containers are     yellow, and generally propane containers are neutral white     for barbecues, and green for portable Coleman type stoves?     Keeping your fuel in different containers is important as     mixing fuels could be lethal! Related Articles :     Keep valves and lids sealed properly. Step two: Use fuel additives and stabilizers:     STA*BIL. Fuel stabilizers keep fuel fresh for quick, easy     starts after storage, and they also prolong engine life. A     trusted brand is STA*BIL on Amazon. It removes water to     prevent corrosion and cleans carbure...

Best freeze dried foods for preppers

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Water Storage Tips for Emergencies

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Essential Wilderness Survival Skills

This is where your knowledge of wilderness survival skills becomes essential. If you end up losing your knife, map, compass and fire making tools your challenges may have greatly increased! With some wilderness survival training you could learn how to make a primitive knife, travel using aidless navigation, and make friction fire using wild harvested materials. Then you can manage just fine without the store-bought gear. More related content : Navy Seal Survival Kit Even someone with all the necessary tools for survival can still get into dangerous situations through their lack of knowledge and experience in the outdoors. Practice using all of your essentials under a variety of conditions. Start with the setting most comfortable to you, and practice in increasingly more challenging conditions. Survival situations demand that you be flexible, adaptable and skilled with utilizing what you have....

Signaling Equipment is Essential in Survival Situation

If you are caught in a survival situation while camping, it is because you are in the wilderness and have no way of contacting people. If you have a cell phone with service, it is not a survival situation. So, you need alternate means of communicating with people. The flash from a signal mirror can be seen for miles by aircraft. This flash will catch the pilot's attention. If you flash it across the sky in some sort of pattern, the pilot will be more likely to realize that there is a person in danger, especially if you flash S.O.S. My signal mirror has instructions engraved on the back so I never forget the proper way to use it. It also came with a foam pouch to prevent it from scratching. What is HTF Tactical Loadout & how to use it Whistles are also useful. The sound of a man-made whistle is unmistakable. Even if you get to a road, cars may be few and far between. If you happen ...