Follow these Rules when Survive
1. Skills and stuff are equally important. What do I mean by that? Simply that you can have a years’ worth of freeze dried food, six ways to purify water and a well-stocked first aid kit but if you don’t have the skills to defend yourself, the knowledge to find food in the wild, and the ability to tend to serious wounds, all of the “stuff” you own will be of little use to you following a post-apocalyptic event. 2. You will never go hungry if you have seeds. Hoard heirloom (non-GMO and non-hybrid) seeds even if you are not currently gardening and growing your own food. Those seeds, when brought into a survival community, will be worth more than gold. Don’t worry if you do not know how to use them. Others in the community will likely have gardening skills and together you can prepare the fields, sow the seeds, tend the crops and bring in the harvest. But you first need seeds that will reproduce themselves as ...